Black Sun Orgone Accumulator
This Black Sun Orgon Accumulator is ideally used ??
The base is composed of blend of magnetite, crushed quartz crystals & ormus, and a blend of copper, iron, & brass turnings. All materials are blended into polyester resin and cured in Natural Sunlight and to frequency 528 Hz.
Dr.Wilhelm Reich, founder of Orgone energy, did not endorse the use of aluminum, therefore aluminum is not in this product.
When you put the Black Sun Orgone Accumulator in your home, you will protect yourself and your family from harmful radiation by turning the negative energy fields into positive energy fields.
The accumulator has been activated in the direct sunlight prior to shipping. However, you may want to re-activate once you receive it. Just sit it outdoors for a few hours in direct sunlight.
product dimensions:
rectangular base: 5″ x 4-1/4″, 1-5/8″ thick
rectangular top: 4-3/4″ x 4-1/8″, 1-1/4″ thick
copper tube: width: 1/2″ x length: 4″
center copper tube: 3/4″ diameter, 12″ long
corner copper tubes: 3/4″ diameter, 10″ long
weight: 3lbs, 12 oz.